The Tern series consist of layers of rectangular and square plexiglass sheets in a modular system arranged to create a pattern of squares. The combination of transparent and opaque plexiglass controls the light. Some squares are closed, some are allowing a look inside.

The opaque colours are here creme, straw, pigeon blue and three transparent colours bluegrey, grey and glass green. Where the colours overlap new nuances appear.

Colours can be customized.

TERN Chandelier

77,5 x 40 x 40 cm + suspension

4 x E27 or E26 sockets

TERN Diagonal Light

64 x 27 x 27 cm + suspension

2 x E27 sockets or E26 if wired for USA

TERN Wall light

77,5 x 40 x 15 cm

3 x E27 or E26 sockets




WALL Light